Error 1500: Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one.


Error 1500: Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one.

Error Message:


  1. Another installation may be already running in the Task manager.
  2. The installation process is hanged. Check if there is any pending installation(s).
  3. Two or more instances of the Msiexec.exe service may be launched at the same time for two different products.
  4. Windows Installer [msiexec] might be unregistered.
  5. Widows Installer service might be corrupted.

Solution 1: Re-register the Windows Installer.

  1. Click Start, Open command prompt as Administrator,
  2. type msiexec.exe /unregister
  3. Click Enter to Unregister.
  4. type msiexec /regserver
  5. Click Enter to Register.

Solution 2:

Open Task Manager, Look for an entry related to a program installation. This might include words, such as “msiexec”, “install,” “installer,” or “MSI. > If found, highlight the entry, and then click End Task.

Solution 2:

  1. Start > Run > type regedit
  2. Delete “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\InProgress” key. Try installation again.

Solution 3:

Verify the registry permissions – Give Full Control permission to each registry hive.

Solution 3: Configure the status of windows installer service.

  1. Start > Run > type services.msc
  2. Configure the status of windows installer service to Stopped & startup type to Disabled.
  3. Restart the system & change the startup type to Manual and try installation again.

Solution 4: Re-install Windows Installer [Try this at your own risk.]

  1. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32 folder
  2. Rename the folowing file names- msi.dll,msiexec.exe and msihnd.dll.
  3. Restart the computer and install windows installer 3.1 or latest version.