Could not begin transaction in database “relproduct” because database is in bypass recovery mode. The statement has been terminated.


Could not begin transaction in database “relproduct” because database is in bypass recovery mode. The statement has been terminated.

Snap shot


  1. RelProduct is a SaralAccount Data Base, it might be corrupted.

Workaround 1:

Repair database “RelProduct”

Workaround 2:

  1. Open Query Express.exe (You can find in application Path)

2. Execute the below query.

Alter database RelProduct set online

Workaround 3:

Note: Close the product application, before executing the below steps.

  1. Open Query Express.exe (You can find in application Path)

2. Execute the below query.

Use master .

Drop Database RelProduct.

3. Navigate to application path find RELYONPRODUCT.sql, select open with notepad and copy the complete query and paste the same to Query Express editor, and execute.

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