Error 1301: cannot create the file. A directory with this name already exists. Cancel the installation and try installing to a different location.


Error 1301 cannot create the file. A directory with this name already exists. Cancel the installation and try installing to a different location.

Error Message:


  1. A directory with the name already exists in the “C:\Windows\Downloaded Installations\”
  2. The logged on User may not have sufficent permission to install the software.
  3. Clean System “temp” folder.

Solution 1:

A directory with the same name may already exists.                                                                           So Delete all folders in “C:\Windows\Downloaded Installations\” and Try to install it again.

Solution 2:

Try to install the software in different folder or drive.

Solution 3:

Clean the contents system temporary folder

  1. Start > Run > type temp
  2. Click enter and try to remove all the files and folders from the temp folder.
  3. Start > Run > type %temp%
  4. Click enter and try to remove all the files and folders from the %temp% folder