Unable to connect server. Either the server is not found or server is not responding. So currently program will work in trial mode.
Error Message:
- The firewall on the server has refused the connection.
- Test network connection.
- Make sure that you are able to connect Server using the Telnet command.
- Relyon License manager service on server system might be stopped/disabled.
- Check whether you can access share folder of server computer.
- Resolve DNS cache
Workaround 1: Disable the firewall in Server as well as Client system
- Click Start > Run
- type firewall.cpl > make it Off
Workaround 2: Check whether Server machine is accessible
- Start > Run > type cmd
- type PING <ServerIPAddress>
- Click Enter.
- if successful, ping returns the ip address.
Workaround 3: Refreshing Test network connection
- Start > Run > type cmd
Workaround 4: Test network connection
- Start > Run > type cmd
- type telnet <Server IP Address> 8990
- if successful, command prompt will be blank.
Workaround 5: Unregister & Re-register the MSWINSCK.OCX
- Navigate to [C:\Windows\System32] folder &
- search for MSWINSCK.OCX file
- Open command prompt as administrator.
- type Regsvr32 / u “C:\Windows\System32\MSWINSCK.OCX”
- Click Enter to Unregister.
- type Regsvr32 “C:\Windows\System32\MSWINSCK.OCX”
- Click Enter to Register.
Workaround 6:
- Register the Software once again.
- Start > Run > type services.msc
- Click Relyon License manager service
- Restart the service.
Workaround 7:
Disable the Antivirus both in Server as well as Client machines.
Workaround 8:
Check for log file [RLMDNSERVICE09.exe.log] in server, you can find this file in SERVICE installed path, open the log file, if any log related to dotnet framework is found, reinstall the service, if not working contact deployment team.
End LicManager.exe running process in task manager in Server machine.
Workaround 9: If you are registering the software from Hardware Lock.
- Insert USB dongle in server system.
- Install SoftDogDriver [Separate setup is there for Windows 7] in client and server system.
- Copy SoftDog.dll & win32.dll to application path.