Unable to register required dll.


Unable to register required dll.



RelyonLicense01.dll component failing to  register or may be missing in the application path.

Workaround 1:

  • Navigate to the application path and search for RelyonLicense01.dll.
  • If file not found get it from some other computer and paste into the application path.

Workaround 2:

Re-register RelyonLicense01.dll

  • Open command prompt as Administrator.
  • type Regsvr32 /u “C:\RelyonSoft\<Product_Name>\RelyonLicense01.dll”
  • Click Enter to Unregister.
  • type Regsvr32 “C:\RelyonSoft\<Product_Name>\RelyonLicense01.dll”
  • Click Enter to register it again.


  • regsvr32 /u “C:\RelyonSoft\Saral_Accounts\RelyonLicense01.dll” Click enter to unregister.
  • regsvr32 “C:\RelyonSoft\Saral_Accounts\RelyonLicense01.dll” Click enter to register.

Workaround 3:

Copy RelyonLicense01.dll from Application path and Paste it to System32/SysWOW64 [ depending of system architecture 32/64 bit]
register RelyonLicense01.dll from System32/SysWOW64 folder and try to launch application.

Workaround 4: 

  1. Disable antivirus and check.
  2.  Reinstall application.